A world of possibilities awaits

A bright and inviting playground, creative placemaking project

Play + Play Spaces, Philadelphia, PA. Courtesy of Tiny WPA.

The key to meaningful creative placemaking is transparent communication between partners and the community. Through intentional meetings, workshops, and even informal conversations about what inspires and drives each other’s work, artists, partners, and community members can develop a common vision. Continued conversations will help to keep people engaged and connected.

As you begin to think about this collaborative effort, you may want to consider and reflect on some introductory questions:

  • What are your individual values and goals?

  • What values do you bring to the work? Your organization? The community?

  • What are the power dynamics in the community? What does that mean for your project and partners?

  • What do you imagine for your project? 

  • What will make this project a success for you and for the collective? 

  • What will you do when you hit a bump in the road?



Setting the Table: Developing Partnerships & Shared Values