How do you find funding and support for your creative placemaking work?

Who should you ask? How do you develop champions and partners?

A lenticular painting of a house in blue and yellow is displayed behind a bus shelter with a swinging bench

Greenville, NC. Photo by Sarah Lazure. Courtesy of Emerge Gallery and Art Center.

Things to consider:

  • What are the goals of the project that might interest non-arts funders?

  • Where do your partners from other sectors typically find funding?

  • Does the community/neighborhood have funding sources?

  • Would it be helpful to have a brainstorming session about potential sources of funding with partners? Community residents?


Find Your Champions

To find more champions, look beyond your existing networks. For example, if you are an arts organization, consider reaching out to your local community development organization or small business. If you are a community developer, talk with your local artists. How you frame your project will change as you expand your network across sectors.


Funding Creative Placemaking

Strategies for Funding and Expanding Creative Community Work